Which comes first: the baby or the tooth? Well, it could be either, and today I’m focusing specifically on explaining the order baby teeth arrive (and depart) to help you reduce those uncomfortable teething symptoms.
When Do Baby Teeth First Arrive?
You’ll have known from my article, How to Reduce Your Baby’s Teething Symptoms Naturally, that teething differs for every baby. You’ll also know what teething symptoms to look out for, plus that our teething toys are amazing at making sore gums feel better (which is a given, obviously). But what you may not know is when you can expect the arrival of these pearly whites, plus when to start collecting coins for the tooth fairy.
But that’s all okay, as today I’m going to share with you everything you need to know about the order of baby teeth arrivals and departures (without stepping foot in the airport).
Baby teeth are adorable: except when they cause pain, and that’s pretty much most of the time. Once they’ve arrived though, it’s up to you to care for them until the tooth fairy arrives to collect them a few years later.
You can expect to see 20 new baby teeth arrive by the time your child is three years old. New teeth usually arrive in pairs, with the bottom coming before the top teeth. The dates of arrival can vary between children, but a good general guide is:
- First teeth – lower central incisors arrive between 6-10 months, and shed aged 6-7 years
- Second teeth – upper central incisors arrive between 8-13 months, and shed aged 6-7 years
- Third teeth – upper lateral incisors arrive between 9-13 months, and shed aged 7-8 years
- Fourth teeth – lower lateral incisors arrive between 10-16 months, and shed aged 7-9 years
- Canine teeth – both top and bottom arrive around 16-23 months, and shed aged 9-12 years
- First set of molars – both top and bottom arrive around 13-19 months, and shed aged 9-11 years
- Second set of molars – both top and bottom arrive around 23-33 months, and shed aged 10-12 years
Caring for Baby Teeth
Just because they’re not sticking around doesn’t mean you can ignore good dental hygiene when it comes to baby teeth.
For more advice on these little pearly whites, chat with your Plunket nurse, dental nurse or check out the Ministry of Health’s website. You also know where to buy the cutest handmade baby teething accessories already …