This time 7 years ago I was packing my bag ready to go into hospital to have my first baby….
Roll back nine months, the pregnancy test, the scans, the excitement, the shopping for the new baby (boy – he showed us that in his first scan!).
Then the day approaches and my blood pressure starts to go up – rapidly. Fairly common. So into hospital we go to be induced. 27 hours (yep, 27 hours!!!!) later and all with an epidural that didn’t work!
I’m a mum….

There was no way I was prepared for how much I would love this tiny little man!
Things certainly didn’t go smoothly. The birth, the hospital stay and the months that followed and even leaning to be a mum. Right up to today and the ongoing health complications with my daughter.
Like all good Big Bang’s this was the start of something super special. We grew our family and had the joys of adding our little girl.
As they grow and learn, and drive me crazy but, heck I love them even more each day. I also wasn’t prepared for much it could change me so completely. My entire outlook on life – everything! The Big Bang changed all of us!
Which is how Cute Cuddles came to be added to the mix. Like I’ve explained in an earlier blog “Why I’m Running for StarShip” I hand make super cute soft toys to keep me sane in all the crazy.
My Gift to You
While I’m feeling reflective and sentimental I thought I would share this special time with you guys and offer FREE SHIPPING on all orders for the rest of June. This is a thank you for all your support over the years and helping me survive in this crazy world of parenting!
So – which Cute Cuddles handmade soft toy will you nab?
Which are your favourite?