New Years Resolutions – is this your thing?

First and foremost- Happy New Years to you! I wish you much happiness and health! xXx

Secondly – New Years Resolutions…. are they your thing? If so, what are you resolving to do/change this coming year?

I actually like the concept of New Years resolutions but struggle with them. What do I want to do differently or change in the coming year? lol – mostly things out of my control…. But being the logical thinker that I am I don’t go there for long. 😀

I love the idea of bimg_9820eing a better, stronger, more positive person in the coming year. Being more present in the moment and enjoying time with my children before they grow up and leave me behind. I have been living by this for a couple of years now – can I really just use it as a New Years Resolution to let the world know where I am at?

Or does it need to be something new to add each year?

My life it pretty full up with 2 demanding children, demanding husband, wonderful growing company and a cat that doesn’t know he is a cat… I also yoga and run as and when I can as much as I can, between trying to spend more time with friends and family… what more can I add? Should I add? Should I maybe cut something out? Am I just thinking too hard about this?


What are you Resolving to change/do this coming year?