As a small business owner with a much smaller marketing budget then you’d expect. We have to be much more creative about how we get our message out there. Lately, I’ve been thinking of ways to promote our Cute Cuddles baby teething packs.
What’s in our Cute Cuddles Teething Packs

Why pick one of our teething packs?
Well, our teething packs have one of our signature soft giraffe toy rattles, perfect for little hands and mouths.
A dribble bib made from beautiful fabric and backed with a soft minky or towelling cloth, meaning they are not too bulky but still absorbent.
An organic beech teething ring with the fabric bunny ears. These teething packs covers all babies teething needs. They will also be available in a variety of colours.
The Changes and Confessions of a Small Business Owner
What is changing?
Although these items are currently available separately, moving forward they will only be available in sets. This change makes shopping for teething items easier for you too. And honestly, brings the price per item down too. Making these the perfect gift when you next go to a baby shower!
The Next Step
To launch the teething set, I was hoping to contact some Bloggers and ask them to trial, model and offer feedback for the new sets in use.
This got me thinking, why would I offer this to a stranger, when I can ask YOU?
You already know my brand, you like what you see (I hope) and you already know who I am (hi!). So if you would like the opportunity to model, trial and offer feedback on one of our Baby Teething Packs, please email today at
All I need to know is the age of your baby, the colour of set you would like and your address and contact details to set started. I would love to include photos of your baby in the promotion of our Teething Packs but I am happy for you to have the last say in the photos we use.
I have three packs to give away – email me today!
I can’t wait to hear from you!
Tracy Nicholls
Owner Cute Cuddles NZ