This blog was guest written by Kelly-Jo Sweeney, NappyneedZ – they have an amazing range of cloth nappies. Their website is well worth checking out, it is so informative when it comes to a huge range of reusable items, not just cloth nappies!
A Special Toy
Allow me to introduce you to Penguin. Penguin has been part of our family for a little over ten years now, he’s been cuddled and loved pretty much every night of his life since my oldest boy was given him as a little baby. I had no idea at the time that Penguin would become so loved or cared for, or that ten years later my not so little any more little boy, would love him as much as he does.
The funny thing is, when Kai was born, he didn’t get given any soft toys. We got piles of clothes and useful things, but somehow the toys just got forgotten. Since then though, I’ve always tried to find nice soft toys to gift to new babies. Everyone buys plenty of clothes, baby towels, muslin wraps all the useful ‘baby equipment.’ But a nice toy is just as important for a new arrival. Just think, your little gift might become the one toy that that little one sleeps with every night for the rest of their childhood. That’s pretty special.
Well loved
Over the years Penguin has become a little rough around the edges, with fabric wearing away and a few stitches coming undone here and there. It adds to his charm though and he’s still just as loved as he always was, if not more so.
Of course, as my little boy gets even older, I know that Penguin probably won’t mean quite the same to him any more. That’s part of growing up. But for me, the Mum of the little boy who’s loved his penguin from the very beginning, that little soft toy will always have a special place in my heart.
Choosing the perfect gift
If you’re looking for the perfect gift for a new arrival, or perhaps you’ve got a baby on the way yourself and want to buy something special, then maybe think beyond the practical. Keep an eye out for that special toy, have a look at the range on offer at Cute Cuddles. You will find that you won’t go far wrong with one of those.
If you’re looking for an extra special gift, then the Cute Cuddles gift packs are a great idea. With one of their lovely soft toys and a range of other specially selected items, they really are a fantastic gift. They even come in lovely, hand made, fabric storage basket.
So, next time you have a new baby to buy for, check out the Cute Cuddles range.